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Archive for Oktober 2015

Tutorial Cara Memasang Gwarnet Di Rumah

Pertama Kali Anda Harus Ada Download Gwarnet  ya

Langsung aja Cikedot :D :D

Langkah Pertama
Buka File Gwarnet yang barusan di download Seperti Ini

Langkah Kedua
Masukan Password saya kasih tadi Jangan Sampe Kalah #ups maksud saya salah :v

Langkah Ketiga
Klik Ya Untuk Melanjutkannya

Langkah Keempat
Klik Ya Lagi Untuk Mendaftarkannya

Langkah Kelima
Nah Gwarnet Anda Sudah Terdaftar Deh :D

Langkah Keenam
Masukin MAC Addres Untuk Lanjutin Gwarnetnya :D

Langkah KeTujuh
Klik Network Yang Di Gunakan Untuk Gwarnet

Langkah KeDelapan
Klik Kanan Terus Properties

Langkah Kesembilan Pengen Langkah Terakhir Nih wkwkkw :v

Pilih Configure Terus Cari Namanya Network Address Dan Itu akan Bisa Jadi Gwarnet :v

Langkah Terakhir :v
Masukin Dah Mac Address yang Tadi :v

Gampang Kan :v
Dahh Ahh segitu dulu Lagi Banyak tugas :v

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Virtual DJ Pro

Atomix VirtualDJ 8 Pro Infinity 8 2014 final version is a a DJ and music software allows users and producers create amazing mix tracks. Download VirtualDJ 8 full version and replace turntables and CD players and use digital music instead of Vinyl and CDs.
- It can now play an unlimited number of samples simultaneously. 
- Sandbox is a feature that helps you prepare your next mix while the audience is still listening to the previous song.
- Select any bank and drag'n'drop samples directly onto the slots. The sample files themselves are found in the sampler folder in the browser. 
- You can then disengage sandbox, and calmly wait for your current track to reach the point where you're now confident you should start your mix.
-Try to mix into the next track, hearing it only in your headphones, until you find the perfect exit-point and entry-point where you'll want to mix.
- Video samples can have alpha transparency. 
- The best DJ music maker software; number one in the World.
- Audio components, like pitch-stretching, limiter, equalizers, filters, etc, have been rewritten to harness all the power of modern computers and give you a crystal-clear sound.
- The new BPM editor let you easily and conveniently adjust the beatgrid of your songs.
- Samples can be audio, video, or still images.
- VirtualDJ will automatically detect and fill the remix points with the breaks in your song, but you can edit your own remix points of course.
- Samples can be organized by group and triggered like an instrument bank. Slots can be arranged on a grid, and have colors and icons.
- When sandbox is engaged, you can jump to the end of the current track.
- Use "remix mode" to transform your sampler into smart cue-pads.
- The new sampler in v8 has shed all the limitations of the old v7 sampler. 
- Play any sample from the sampler folder, play as many samples as you want.
- All the cue points, saved loops, automix points, beatgrid anchors, macro points, etc.
- Languages : English, Chinese, Arabic, Italian, German, Dutch, French, Greek, Japanese, Russian, Portuguese.
- Operating Systems Supported: Win Xp / Win 7 / Win Vista / Win 8. 
 1-  Install the program -  double click on "install_virtualdj_pc_v8.0.1872.msi"
 2-  Do not run the program. If launched then exit. Do not open [Important]
 3-  Go to crack folder and Copy/paste "virtualdj8.exe" to installation directory. [Replace original]
      In the same folder Run "virtualdj_hosts_patch.cmd" to block homecalling.
 4-  Now run VirtualDj 8 and use the keygen "VDJ8ProInf_KeyGen.exe" to register.
 5-  Enjoy. You've got yourself Virtual DJ 8 Pro Infinity Full Version.

                                                              >>> Download <<<<
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UltraISO Premium Edition Full Keygen

UltraISO Premium Edition  Full Keygen - merupakan sebuah software images yang mungkin sudah kalian kenali. Nah dengan UltraISO Premium Edition Full Keygen ini kalian membuka, dan membuat file image seperti .iso. bukannya hanya itu, dengan UltraISO ini juga kalian bisa untuk membuat virtual DVD-ROM. nah tunggu apalagi bagi yang membutuhkan silahkan unyuk dicoba. 

Download:  UltraISO Tested: Windows 7 Ultimate,Windows 8 Pro,Windows 8.1 Pro
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Bandicam Full Version

buat sobat yang pengen ngerekam permainan Video game PC nya dan bingung menggunakan software apa. Bandicam versi teranyar ini bisa menjadi solusi alternatif selain mirillis action sobat untuk segera mencoba menggunakanya dan merekam aksi permainan game Pc.

selain untuk merekam aksi permainan game Pc. Bandicam ini juga dapat sobat manfaatkan untuk merekam dekstop sobat, semisal ingin membuat sebuah tutorial dalam bentuk video . Bandicam ini tentunya dapat di andalkan.

Langkah installl langsung aktif

1.Download, kemudian Extract Filenya ( WAJIB ! )
2.Selanjutnya apabila ingin Install Full , Jalankan
3.” Jalankan.ini.untukInstall.full.cmd“
4.Apabila hanay ingin install portable , Jalankan :
6.kemudian jalankan ” Settings.reg“
7.selesai, Bandicam sudah full version ( auto aktivasi )

Berikan Firewall kalo enggak mau ke blacklist itu akivasinya
done, salam luar biasa
Catatan penting : jalankan programnya, klik kanan pilih Run As Administrator

Size : 9 Mb


Download Comming Soon

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ICRF Sukabumi By Evergreen1976

Haii Selamat Malam :v

ICRF Sukabumi by evergreen1976 || Rilis tanggal 12/10/2015 || Ready for patch 1.18.x 1.21x || Please thanks & support follow twitter @Adie808 || Status map free open public || best regard untuk masAdie Evergreen

Link =  >>> Download <<<
Link v2 = >>> Download <<<

Update v1.20-v1.21
- Fix Bugs Cuaca 
- Fix Texture 

Password : adievergreen1976

#Link Ini Milik Mas Adie Evergreen ! Saya tidak Upload Ulang kok :) 

Bukti Izin Copy Link ya !! :) Silahkan ga masih ngga percaya tanya saja pembuat ya :)

thanks to mas adie 
Sekian dari saya :v Kalo ada Info Terbaru nanti saya share di blog saya :) 

Wassalamualaikum wr wb 

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